Campus Safety

Safety First SRTC values the safety and security of all students, faculty, and staff, and regularly participates in preventative training and incident response drills. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aims to enhance preparedness through a "whole community" approach by providing training, products, and resources to a broad range of stakeholders on issues such as active shooter awareness, incident response, and workplace violence. In many cases, there is no pattern or method to the selection of victims by an active shooter, and these situations are, by their very nature, unpredictable and evolve quickly. You can view the DHS Active Shooter Training Video here:

Emergency Alert System: Please make sure all of your personal information is updated in BANNERWEB to ensure that you will receive emergency messages from SRTC. In the event of an emergency, SRTC posts that information on the home page of the college website, on the official college Facebook page, and sends out alerts (phone call, text, and email). From time to time these measures are also used as outreach measures to inform students of important information. However, student email is considered the official form of communication between SRTC and students. Bannerweb is access from your student portal inside of Okta.