Drug and Alcohol Prevention

The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) is committed to providing working and learning environments that ensure the productivity of TCSG employees as well as the safety and security of all employees, students, contractors, volunteers, and visitors to TCSG worksites and technical college campuses. To this end, it is the policy of the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia that all System worksites, including SRTC, shall be drug-free pursuant to the provisions of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Georgia’s Drug-Free Public Work Force Act of 1990, and applicable State laws and regulations.

Please review these links regarding:
• The Student Code of Conduct in relation to drugs or alcohol on campus,
• Enforcement and penalties for violations of these rules,
• Health risks associated with the abuse of alcohol or use of illicit drugs, and
• Drug and alcohol programs available to students.

Drug Free Campus | Southern Regional Technical College
Student Code of Conduct

All SRTC campuses are tobacco-free environments. Tobacco use is prohibited inside and outside all buildings and parking lots and within any College vehicle or any vehicle operated by the College. SRTC prohibits smoking, or any forms of electronic, alternative smoking devices or other forms of tobacco products. Neither smoking nor the use of tobacco products are allowed on any SRTC campus outside of a personal vehicle. Disposing of cigarette/cigar butts, other tobacco products, or tobacco residue in the parking lots or on any SRTC property is not allowed. This procedure applies to all persons while on campus. Sidewalks, streets, and neighboring property are not to be used as tobacco use areas.