Disability Services
The Disabilities Services department coordinates services to assist any student with a documented disability, which might present a barrier to their receiving an education. Special equipment needs and services are accessed through this office. All services are provided at no charge to qualified students. Southern Regional Technical College strives to provide reasonable, quality services/accommodations based upon the nature of the disability.
Services available may include: registration assistance, campus orientation, career exploration, test modification, recording/enlarging reading materials, accessible parking, information and referral to campus and community support services, counseling, special equipment, and architectural accessibility.
Thomasville, Cairo, or Bainbridge students, call Connie Barrett at 229-227-2676 or email at cbarrett@southernregional.edu. Moultrie students, contact Darbie Avera, at 229-217-4145 or davera@southernregional.edu and Tifton students, contact Kelley Burns, at 229-217-4149 or kburns@southernregional.edu to gain access to services needed. All students may stop by the Student Affairs offices on any campus to speak to a representative.
For more information visit http://southernregional.edu/disability-services